Feminism 101


The following is a visual narrative of why feminism is still relevant, important, and necessary:

tumblr_o5jwvpopuv1uf1omio1_540anigif_enhanced-16390-1410397054-1Feminism.  Not a big word.  Pretty self-explanatory.  Why, you may ask, is there such a fuss about it?  They’re just man-hating, hairy lesbians.  Why can’t we let them have their thing?

Well, lucky for you, you’re about to see the light!

Feminist are not man-haters.  Some of them might not shave their legs and some of them might be lesbians, but that’s what we love about each other.  We have the space to be ourselves, to promote the ability to be themselves, and to fight the systems of oppression that punish people for being themselves or try to stop people from being themselves.

We use the term ‘feminism’ because femininity is consistently demonized in our society.  Issues that involve feminism concern race, gender, and sexual orientation because these identities all work on a matrix and have been assigned value by a historical hierarchy that favors white-hetero-cisgender males (Whoa! That’s a lot of terms! Check out our glossary for some clarity).

But don’t bros experience gender oppression too?

Yes, they do. But more often than not the way in which they experience it reinforces patriarchal values of hyper-masculinity above femininity. Why is the worst thing a man can call another man a “pussy”? What is so wrong about “throwing like a girl”?

Now that we’ve covered the very very basics, check out these images and infographics!


Intersectional Feminism

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Online feminism/Digital feminism

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Workplace discrimination

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